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Aa Sahara Mosque partially completed and opened to public

Aa Sahara mosque has been reopened partially after major renovations.

Ameera Osmanagic
06 September 2024, MVT 17:19
Newly opened section of the Aasahara Mosque --
Ameera Osmanagic
06 September 2024, MVT 17:19

The lower floor of Malé Aa Saharaa Mosque's renovation has been completed and opened to the public.

While majority of the mosque's work is now complete, the section opened today after the Friday prayer was dedicated to men.

Malé Mayor Adam Azim made the announcement on X (formerly Twitter), detailing that the mosque's first floor was opened after major renovations. He also revealed that the top floor is expected to be opened by the end of this month.

With this, funerals of those who pass away in Malé can be held at the mosque as before, he said.

Use of Aa Sahara Mosque was discontinued in May last year. Since then, all funerals for people who pass away in Malé have been held in Hulhumalé.

With the mosque reopening, the difficulties faced by the families of deceased individuals due to the need to go to Hulhumalé would be lessened.

Although multiple reopening dates were announced for the mosque previously, the renovation extended for a long time, with multiple companies being awarded the work over the past months.

Male' City Council first started renovating the mosque in June last year, aiming to construct a two-storey building to increase the space for visitors. At the time, the project was awarded to PNP Maldives for MVR 4.9 million.

However, the work which was scheduled to be completed within a month extended, leading the council to cancel the agreement. By that time, the company was already paid MVR 3.9 million.

Following this, the council then handed over the project to B-Six Investment at a price of MVR 4.9 million.

In April this year, the council announced seeking parties to do the finishing work of the mosque. By the end, the mosque cost MVR 11 million to renovate, which includes demolition of the old building, and construction of a lounge and funeral home, with more space inside the mosque.

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