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Committee to be formed to advise MIAC board

Mariyam Malsa
03 October 2019, MVT 10:46
Members of the Maldives International Arbitration Centre (MIAC). PHOTO: MIHAARU
Mariyam Malsa
03 October 2019, MVT 10:46

Maldives International Arbitration Centre (MIAC) announced the decision to form a permanent ten-member committee to advise its board and opened applications.

In order to be eligible, applicants must have at least ten years of experience working in the legal sector as well as experience in the field of arbitration.

The application deadline is set for October 14.

Established under the Arbitration Act, MIAC is tasked with encouraging arbitration in the country, acting as a middle-man in solving disputes, and establishing guidelines for arbitrators.