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China criticizes negative comments by US Secretary Pompeo

Ahmed Aiham
30 October 2020, MVT 15:28
US Secretary of State Michael Pompeo and Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdulla Shahid. PHOTO: MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS
Ahmed Aiham
30 October 2020, MVT 15:28

The Chinese Embassy in Maldives, on Wednesday, criticized "negative comments" made by the United States' Secretary of State Michael Pompeo during his brief official visit.

The Chinese counterparts alleged that, during his trip, US Secretary Pompeo allegedly spread political rumours on China and instigated China-Maldives relationship. "Unilateralism and hegemony pursued by the US is indeed a threat to peaceful and stable international relations", claimed the embassy.

According to China, several US politicians including Pompeo have viciously attacked the Communist Party of China (CPC) with lies, hyping up ideological confrontation and instigating China's relations with other countries in the region, reflective of their "Cold War mentality" and "ideological bias".

In reference to US's 'Indo-Pacific strategy', China said its revival aims to stir confrontation among different groups to stoke geopolitical competition, violating the spirit of mutual benefits for win-win outcomes, further undermining the prospect of regional peace and development.

"The 21st century is an era of globalization. The interests of all countries are inextricably intertwined. Organizing closed and exclusive cliques stands completely against trend of the times and common interests of international community and will turn out to be a dead-end", said Chinese government.

Moreover, the embassy noted United States' frequent mentions of the militarization of the South China Sea.

"However, the fact is that development activities and deployment of necessary defense facilities on the Nansha Islands is an exercise of China's right to self-preservation and self-defense under international law. It is reasonable, legal and within our sovereignty".

"On the contrary, the US military vessels and aircraft have been frequently carrying out exercises and close-in reconnaissance in the South China Sea, intending to increase tensions and flex muscles", declared the Embassy, adding that the "US itself is the major factor driving 'militarization' in the South China Sea".

In conclusion, China touted its development initiatives as an opportunity and not a threat, stating that mutually-beneficial cooperation between the countries was in line with bilateral interests, facilitating greater benefits to both parties.

As part of the COVID-19 relief response, the Chinese government has reduced this year's loan repayment figure for Maldives to USD 75 million as part of the G20 debt relief programme.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdulla Shahid has previously highlighted the "strong support" that continues to be provided by China in the economic process and areas of other mutual interest.

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