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Arrested Male City councillor alleges Police demanded statement against ex-pres

Aishath Mihna Nasih
23 February 2017, MVT 15:29
Member of Male City Council and lawmaker of Medhu Henveiru Constituency, Zaidul Ameen.
Aishath Mihna Nasih
23 February 2017, MVT 15:29

The arrested Male City Councillor Zaidul Ameen has claimed that Police are demanding a statement from him against Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, which is being currently investigated according to Maldives Police Service.

He was initially arrested on suspicion of blackmailing a judge. He was taken back under Police custody on Wednesdat after being kept under house arrest for over a fortnight.

With regards to the shift, he released a statement claiming that a high ranking Police officer, whose name he had also mentioned, had asked him to withdraw his support for Maumoon and provide a statement against the former president.

In a tweet, Maldives Police Service stated that Professional Standard Commands is currently looking into Ameen's claim and will investigate cases against individual officers.

Ameen also mentioned that he was interrogated regarding a hard disk that was reported missing from the former activity hub of ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM). This disk was lost when all the assets and equipment were shifted from the former PPM office to Dharubaaruge Convention Centre after the judiciary handed over control of PPM from its leader Maumoon to President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom.

Ameen claimed that Police commanded him to admit that the lost hard disk is in possession of Maumoon and that the former president is conspiring to topple the government. He said in his statement that he suspected he had been ordered to do so to establish an excuse to arrest Maumoon.

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