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NCA announces Inter-office Teledrama Competition

NCA is accepting applications for the Inter-office teledrama competition. Interested offices can send in their applications before February 1.

Mariyath Mohamed
24 January 2024, MVT 10:04
From the 2018 National Inter-Office Teledrama Award ceremony.-- Photo: Mihaaru
Mariyath Mohamed
24 January 2024, MVT 10:04

National Center for the Arts (NCA) has announced the resumption of the Inter-Office Teledrama Competition, after a hiatus of five years.

NCA announced yesterday that interested offices can now send in applications to participate in this competition.

The announcement said that the theme for this year's competition is for the dramas to portray the main work done by the respective institution, a social issue, and a solution for that social issue.

The announcement further said that the objective of this initiative is to increase participation in the entertainment field, offer encouragement and appreciation to artists, and to create artists in a friendly, competitive environment.

The guidelines for the competition caution participants to refrain from making references to any ongoing legal cases. They also direct participants to ensure they abide by the code of practice of broadcasting in the Maldives, and to ensure the theme does not contradict any laws or regulations of the country. The theme should also not be on any contentious matter that may create further rifts in the community.

Interested offices can send in their applications to the NCA before February 1.