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STELCO staff rescue children caught in stormy weather while swimming in Thohdhoo

STELCO staff in the island of Alif Alif atoll Thoddoo have rescued a group of children who were caught in strong winds, rain and strong tides while swimming.

Mariyath Mohamed
22 May 2024, MVT 07:45
STELCO staff swim in to save children stuck in the sea due to bad weather.
Mariyath Mohamed
22 May 2024, MVT 07:45

STELCO staff in the island of Alif Alif atoll Thoddoo have rescued a group of children who were caught in strong winds, rain and strong tides while swimming.

The children had been making failed attempts to return back to shore when STELCO staff spotted them and swam in to assist them return safely to shore.

The stormy weather conditions also caused damage on the island itself, and STELCO staff actively assisted in saving people from harm and responding to the damage the rough weather conditions were causing.

"The industrious staff members of STELCO also assisted in preventing and dealing with the damage caused by the strong winds and heavy rain, including large branches breaking off trees and falling atop roofs of residences," STELCO stated.

STELCO staff providing assistance at houses that were damaged in Thoddoo in yesterday's weather.-- Photo: STELCO

STELCO has a history of stepping up and providing assistance in social issues, and assured that they will continue to be of assistance to the public in any such situation that may arise.

Weather conditions are expected to be stormy for the rest of the week, with central Maldives experiencing severe weather conditions, with heavy rains, strong winds and rough seas.

Authorities call on the public to take precautions and be alert to the stormy weather conditions that are expected to continue during this time.

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