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MVR 117 million awarded to MTCC for 75 housing units in Dhiggaru

Maldives Transport and Contracting Company (MTCC) has been awarded a contract of MVR 117 million for the construction of 75 housing units in M. Dhiggaru.

Hanaan Hussain
18 April 2024, MVT 19:32
Hanaan Hussain
18 April 2024, MVT 19:32

The Ministry of Housing, Land and Urban Development announced that the project had been awarded to MTCC under a "design and build" basis, with the cost of the development coming out of the government's Public Sector Investment Program (PSIP) budget for the year 2024.

Under the project, housing units that measure 1000sq ft in size will be constructed, with the apartments consisting of three bedrooms, three toilets, sitting room, kitchen, a laundry and a store room.

The project was awarded to MTCC with a deadline to complete their construction within 420 days.

The Housing Ministry has also revealed that the housing units would be accompanied by facilities to ensure residents have a safe, comfortable and satisfying space to live in. These additional facilities will include a park and dedicated parking zone along with lights for better visibility.

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