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MP Riza elected as President of Judicial Service Commission

Maafushi constituency MP Hussain Riza has been elected to the post of President of Judicial Service Commission (JSC) today.

Mariyath Mohamed
12 June 2024, MVT 18:30
Mariyath Mohamed
12 June 2024, MVT 18:30

Maafushi constituency MP Hussain Riza has been elected to the post of President of Judicial Service Commission (JSC) today.

Riza is the Parliament's Representative in the JSC.

JSC's President and Vice President is elected through a vote taken amongst its members.

The position was previously filled by then Parliament Representative to the JSC, former MP for Thulhaadhoo constituency Hisaan Hussain.

Prior to his election as an MP, Riza has worked as the Administrator of the Criminal Court as well.