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Parliament administrative staff to be provided housing

Speaker Aslam pointed out that while professionals from various fields had had specialized housing schemes dedicated to them, parliament staff had so far failed to be included, adding he would initiate formulating a plan to provide them housing.

Mariyath Mohamed
11 February 2024, MVT 08:40
Mariyath Mohamed
11 February 2024, MVT 08:40

Parliament Speaker Mohamed Aslam has said on Friday that a plan will be formulated to facilitate the provision of housing for the administrative staff of the parliament.

In a ceremony held on Friday to appreciate the Parliament Secretariat and staff, the Speaker said that he had been presented with two main concerns from them, the most pressing of which related to housing worries.

Aslam pointed out that while professionals from various fields had had specialized housing schemes dedicated to them, parliament administrative staff had so far failed to be included in any such category.

He stated his belief that housing for parliament staff must be arranged by the parliament itself instead of relying on some other State entity to undertake such efforts.

The second concern that Aslam revealed as having received from parliament staff is complaints about the salary.

The Speaker said that a degree of solution had been brought to this issue as of now, with a twenty percent increase for all staff having been put into effect since January.

Appreciating the work of the administrative staff, Aslam stated that it is through their hard work that the parliament continues to function smoothly.

"Consider your work not as a service to a specific individual or a political party, but as a national service, and continue in that way," Aslam appealed to the staff.