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Minister Rameela Back to Work After Cancer Treatment

Minister of Agriculture and Animal Welfare Aishath Rameela has resumed her official duties after undergoing cancer treatment.

04 February 2024, MVT 14:28
Dr Rameela, at her appointment as Minister in December, 2023.
04 February 2024, MVT 14:28

After undergoing cancer treatment, Minister of Agriculture and Animal Welfare Aishath Rameela has resumed her official duties.

Coinciding with World Cancer Day, Rameela marked her first day back in office after completing her treatment.

Rameela had publicly announced her decision to temporarily step away from her ministerial responsibilities on November 29 last year, following her cancer diagnosis. Subsequently, she sought treatment in India.

An official from the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Welfare has verified Rameela's return to office post-treatment.

In a previous Facebook post, Rameela had shared that she opted to leave the country for chemotherapy and radiation therapy upon receiving a cancer diagnosis. She revealed that she had been diagnosed with the disease at an advanced stage.

During Rameela's treatment period, key responsibilities of the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Affairs were temporarily entrusted to Defence Minister Mohamed Ghassan Maumoon.

Commencing her career as a nurse in 1990, Rameela has held the position of Minister of State for Health twice. In 2010, she earned her Ph.D. in social sciences from Malaysia.