Male' City Council has announced plans to build additional parking zones on Majeedhee Magu and Ameenee Magu.
Parking has been banned on Majeedhee Magu, the busiest in Male' City, to start mini bus services. Parking will also be banned on some of the biggest roads in Male' City including Fareedhee Magu, Orchid Magu and Ameenee Magu.
Deputy Mayor of Male' City Ahmed Nareesh told Mihaaru News that the parking zone being built in one section of Maafannu Stadium area on Ameenee Magu will be allocated for vehicles currently parked in the area.
Concrete work for the parking lot has now been completed in the stadium. However, it is not known when the parking space will be open to the public.
Nareesh also said that the council is working on constructing parking zones in other areas as well. He said that the construction of a parking zone on Majeedhee Magu began last night.
"The council is still working on the construction of parking zones near Muni Ufaa Youth Center and other locations on Majeedhee Magu," he said.
Two weeks ago, parking was banned throughout Majeedhee Magu and "no parking" signs were placed across the road.
Motorcycles are now seen parked on the corner of the streets of Majeedhee Magu, which has the highest number of shops in Male' City. A large number of people are seen to park in front of the stores due to a lack of parking space on the road.
Many have expressed their displeasure over the government's ban on parking on major roads of Male' city prior to the development of proper parking zones in the area.