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Cancer Society publishes book on effects of post cancer treatment in Children

Cancer Society's new book targets parents, teachers and child care takers in understanding the challenges following paediatric cancer treatment.

Ameera Osmanagic
27 September 2024, MVT 09:56
[File] Children running around on the streets of a local island in Maldives -- Photo: Nishan Ali | Mihaaru
Ameera Osmanagic
27 September 2024, MVT 09:56

Cancer Society of Maldives has published a book on the challenges following cancer treatment in children.

The book published by the non-profit, which was established to research and create awareness about cancer in 2012, is titled "Handbook on raising awareness of community challenges faced following paediatric cancer treatment" and was developed in collaboration with Dhiraagu, UNICEF and the Education Ministry.

The book was officially launched by Dhiraagu's Managing Director and CEO Ismail Rasheed, Education Ministry's State minister Hussain Saeed, Cancer Society's Chairperson Juveriya Saeed and UNICEF's Deputy Representative Isy Faingold Vigil.

The organisation said teachers, parents and child care providers will benefit from the book. They also said that in the coming days, they will be working to raise awareness about the book amongst school teachers and parents.

Doctors in Maldives have previously noted that childhood cancer is quite common in the country. The most common types of cancer in children include leukemia, brain and spinal cord tumours and bone cancer.

Doctors say that although leukemia is the most common cancer in Maldives, solid tumour cancers are also a common finding.

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