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Ibrahim Nooradeen removed from MACL Board of Directors

Privatization and Corporatization Board (PCB) notified MACL of his dismissal on Thursday, reducing the board’s members to five.

Malika Shahid
27 October 2024, MVT 15:26
Ibrahim Noordeen
Malika Shahid
27 October 2024, MVT 15:26

Ibrahim Nooradeen has been removed from Maldives Airports Company Limited (MACL) Board of Directors, which oversees the operation of Velana International Airport.

Privatization and Corporatization Board (PCB) notified MACL of his dismissal on Thursday, reducing the board’s members to five.

The current MACL Board members include:

1. Ibrahim Shareef Mohamed (CEO)

2. Ibrahim Siyad Gasim

3. Ibrahim Mahudhee

4. Sahar Waheed

5. Mohamed Riyaz

Nooradeen, who joined the MACL Board in March 2019, previously served as the Chairperson during former President Mohamed Nasheed’s administration. He was dismissed from the position on 28 June 2010 over differing views regarding the evaluation of an agreement before the airport was handed to India’s GMR.

Earlier this year, MACL Chairperson Mohamed Umar Manik (MU Manik) resigned in February due to health reasons.

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