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Deliberations held with US entrepreneurs to secure investments for Maldives

Minister Saeed has held deliberations with US entrepreneurs and investors during his ongoing trip to the country in order to fortify and expand business relations between Maldives and the US while securing additional investments for the country.

Aishath Shuba Solih
11 July 2024, MVT 10:02
Minister Saeed during his meeting with US entrepreneurs during his trip to United States. -- Photo: Ministry of Economic Development and Trade
Aishath Shuba Solih
11 July 2024, MVT 10:02

A discussion has been held with US entrepreneurs to expand and develop business relations between Maldives and the United States.

Ministry of Economic Development and Trade stated that their Minister, Mohamed Saeed has recounted information on existing investment prospects in Maldives to United States' entrepreneurs during his ongoing trip to the country.

This meeting with US entrepreneurs was arranged by the US Chamber of Commerce.

The Minister's ongoing trip to US aims to widen investment and business ties between the two countries, said the Ministry.

The Ministry has also been initiating many additional efforts to secure further investments for the country.

Minister Saeed had recently visited Saudi Arabia, China, as well as the United Kingdom and sat with entrepreneurs and investors of the countries to relate information on available opportunities in Maldives.