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MMPRC promotes Maldives tourism at ITB Asia

Mariyam Malsa
17 October 2019, MVT 09:40
Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Company (MMPRC showcased Maldives at ITB Asia. PHOTO: MMPRC
Mariyam Malsa
17 October 2019, MVT 09:40

Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Company (MMPRC), on Wednesday, commenced promoting Maldives at ITB Asia currently ongoing at Marina Bay Sands, Singapore.

Led by MMPRC's Managing Director Thoyyib Mohamed, 32 individuals from 17 Maldivian companies are participating in the three-day trade fair.

MMPRC revealed that ITB Asia would provide Maldives with the opportunity to discuss further options to promote the country in Singapore and other Asian markets.

Maldives' 81-square metre stand displays the country’s natural beauty and culture. ITB visitors can view scenes of underwater beauty and other natural scenes via virtual reality technology. Local cuisine is also available from the stall.

The twelfth edition of the annual ITB Asia features hundreds of exhibiting companies from the Asia Pacific region, Europe, the Americas, Africa and the Middle East.

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