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Rough seas, bad weather over Maldives

Winds are expected to reach between 19 and 24 mph, with gusts of up to 40 mph.

Malika Shahid
30 November 2024, MVT 16:21
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Malika Shahid
30 November 2024, MVT 16:21

Maldives Meteorological Service (MET) has issued a White Alert over the entire country, for strong winds and rough seas.

Winds are expected to reach between 19 and 24 mph, with gusts of up to 40 mph.

MET has also advised the public to exercise caution, especially when traveling by sea.

The adverse weather is forecasted to persist for the next two days, with the southern atolls expected to experience the worst conditions.

The weather in Maldives is intensified by a storm formed in the Bay of Bengal, located to the east of the Maldives and southeast of the Bay. The deep depression over the Southwest Bay of Bengal has intensified into a cyclone.

This period marks the transition to the northeast monsoon ( dry season) in Maldives starting in December. During this time, the seas tend to be rough, and rain is more frequent.

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