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EPA for impact assessment post wastage clearance

Mohamed Rehan
04 September 2022, MVT 08:38
The crashed bridge platform at the outer reef of Vilimale'-- Photo: Fayaz Moosa | Mihaaru The crashed bridge platform at the outer reef of Vilimale'-- Photo: Fayaz Moosa | Mihaaru
The crashed bridge platform at the outer reef of Vilimale'-- Photo: Fayaz Moosa | Mihaaru
Mohamed Rehan
04 September 2022, MVT 08:38

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reports it will commence impact assessment of Vilimale' outer reef post clearance of wastage disposed from the bridge platform. The waste spilled after a platform, used for geo-technical investigations for the currently in progress Thilamale' bridge, crashed atop the island's outer reef.

The crashed platform, which carried out its surveys by drilling boreholes to assess for data required for the infrastructure project. The platform stayed semi-submerged atop the reef for over three weeks before it was righted.

Project contractor Afcons Infrastructure, claimed delays for righting the platform were due to poor weather conditions. Maldives is experiencing heavy torrential rain with strong gusts since August.

Director General of EPA, Ibrahim Naeem has confirmed iron bars and other articles have found itself lodged across the outer reef, where the platform crashed. Naeem affirmed impact assessment will commence once the debris have been cleared from the site.

The Thilamale' bridge contractor, Afcons, is working on removing the underwater debris from the accident site.

Naeem further clarified that majority of the debris have already been cleared out from the outer reef.

Meanwhile, Minister of National Planning, Housing and Infrastructure Mohamed Aslam assured the platform's crash will not hinder the overall pace and progress of the bridge project.

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