Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has begun imposing fines and disclosing the names of litterers.
EPA, on Sunday, disclosed the names of three offenders, Zubaidha Ali (Neykurendhoo, Haa Dhaalu), Husham Ali (Thulhaadhoo, Baa Atoll) and Abdullah Maahir (Naifaru, Lhaviyani Atoll).
This is the first instance where EPA disclosed the names of people fined over littering.
EPA has yet to reveal the fines levied on the three.
EPA started to disclose names and addresses of offenders in an effort to stop public littering.
Last week, EPA imposed a fine and publicized the address of a local who had dumped waste in the capital city of Male’.
While littering remains a major issue in the capital, EPA had previously warned that they would begin publicizing names and addresses of offenders.
Director of EPA Ibrahim Naeem stated that the agency was committed to finding a solution to the problem even if it involved the publication of such details.
As per the law, EPA maintains the right to publish the names and impose fines on people found guilty of littering. While initial offenders are fined MVR 300, the amount increases to MVR 500 for repeat offences. EPA has the right to increase the amount of fines if the waste is found to be hazardous.