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JSC signs MoU with India to train Maldivian judges

Shahudha Mohamed
12 February 2020, MVT 09:47
Representatives of Judicial Service Commission (JSC) meeting with officials from India's National Judicial Academy. PHOTO: JSC
Shahudha Mohamed
12 February 2020, MVT 09:47

Judicial Service Commission (JSC), on Tuesday, signed an MoU with the National Judicial Academy of India to provide training opportunities for Maldivian judges.

The signing took place at a ceremony held at the academy, located in Bhopal, India. JSC's President Hisaan Hussain signed the MoU on behalf of Maldives, while Director Justice Goda Raghuram signed from the academy.

According to JSC, the MoU will grant the opportunity for 200 judges to further their education and experience.

Noting that this was the first time JSC signed such an MoU, Hisaan thanked the Indian government, noting that the MoU provided a golden opportunity for the Maldivian judiciary.

During the ceremony, Thulhaadhoo MP Hisaan further spoke about the types of training that can be provided to court employees, in addition to the judges, as well.