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Court issues temporary injunction against Malé City Council for demolition of a home wall

A legal battle has ensued between the owner of Hudhufinifenmaage and Malé City Council after the council demolished a wall of Hudhufinifenmaage to remedy a decision by the council which left neighbours of Hudhufinifenmaage trapped in their own home.

Ameera Osmanagic
18 August 2024, MVT 20:05
[File] Mayor of Malé City Council Adam Azil -- Photo: Mihaaru
Ameera Osmanagic
18 August 2024, MVT 20:05

Civil Court of Maldives today issued an interim order against Malé City Council for demolishing the wall of an adjacent home in a recent situation where a wall was built in a private home blocking the entry and exit of the building's residents.

The city council demolished the wall of H. Hudhufinifenmaage after a wall was built with the permission of the city council, obstructing the entry and exit of the house adjacent of H. Hudhufinifenmaage. The wall was built on a lane in the area. However, since the wall which was approved by the council trapped the residents of those neighbouring to Hudhufinifenmaage, the council demolished a wall in Hudhufinifenmaage to let out those trapped.

Following this, the owner of Hudhufinifenmaage Hassan Shakir sued Malé City Council claiming that the council's decision to demolish a wall in his house after knowingly approving the construction of a wall which would trap his neighbours in their house was in violation of the law. Shakir also sought an order to keep the place as it was until the case was resolved.

As such, the Civil Court issued an order saying that maintaining the status quo prior to the wall construction would be fair until the case is resolved. It further directed the city council to make arrangements for the neighbours of Hudhufinifenmaage to be able to use the lane between the two houses to enter and exit from their residence as they did previously. This arrangement is to be made within 48 hours, while the council is also required to revert Hudhufinifenmaage's wall to how it was prior to the demolition.

Once this is completed, the council staff must leave the premises, the order said, adding that no action is to be taken regarding the buildings until the case is closed.

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