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Welding gas cylinder exploded in Makunudhoo: Council

Mohamed Rehan
22 October 2023, MVT 13:32
A building situated in Makunudhoo harbor sustained significant structural damages due to the explosion--
Mohamed Rehan
22 October 2023, MVT 13:32

Haa Dhaalu atoll Makunudhoo Island Council has reported that the gas cylinder exploded on Saturday, October 21, afternoon in the island was used for welding.

The powerful and deadly explosion reported around 4:15 p.m. on Saturday afternoon claimed the lives of two expatriates. The men were part of the labor force working at the land reclamation project site.

The blast resulted in severe injuries to the victims, causing significant damage to their bodies. The discovered body parts had sustained severe burns, making it challenging to identify them.

The victims were part of the KSR Company staff, a sub-contractor of Big Fish working on the reclamation project in the island for airport development.

Makunudhoo Island Council's President Auzam Adam spoke with Mihaaru News and said the gas cylinder was installed approximately 10 feet away from the southeast corner of the fish market building.

Auzam however, did not give further details since both Maldives National Defense Force (MNDF) and Maldives Police Service are currently investigating the incident.

The council president added that the cylinder was brought to the island some days back, and was not originally installed near the harbor.

"The cylinder was not present a few days ago when work was being conducted here near the harbor. We believe the explosion occurred while the victims were attempting to move the cylinder to their site or while they were standing next to it," Auzam said.

He noted there were few witnesses close to the blast zone on the incident date, whereas generally the area becomes bustling during weekend afternoons.

"I was out of town and had come back to the island around 3:56 p.m. My residence is quite far off from the harbor, but I heard the explosion," Auzam said.

Besides the two victims, another man who was sitting in a hut approximately 400 feet away from the explosion site had sustained injuries after the exploded debris of the cylinder landed on him.

Buildings close to the blast zone, including the fish market premises, a warehouse and restaurant sustained damages. Ceilings and glass panes fitted on these buildings were shattered from the blast impact.

Although there were reports of a gas cylinder used for cooking present on the blast site, Auzam said this detail has not been confirmed as of now.

The families of the victims have been informed of their demise. Auzam also said that one of the victims was Muslim, and if the family consents, his funeral will be conducted in the Maldives. However, the family has not yet made a decision regarding this matter.

Auzam also said that the public has raised concerns regarding the safety of gas cylinders. The council affirmed to improve safety standards after the police investigation.

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