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Ranesh Steps Down as VAM President

Mariyath Mohamed
28 February 2024, MVT 15:21
Ranesh, resigned from his position as VAM President.
Mariyath Mohamed
28 February 2024, MVT 15:21

Mohamed Ranesh recently stepped down as president of VAM, stating, "I had to shift my day job to Abu Dhabi, and how much I can contribute will be limited being abroad."

Elected in 2021, he resigned a year before the completion of his tenure due to his new position in Abu Dhabi.

Ranesh, a senior pilot, emphasized the challenges of fulfilling the responsibilities of a VAM president from a distance, noting, "Volley is a game for a lot of people, and you can't take up that role because you are away."

He had moved to Abu Dhabi to pursue a pilot role with Abu Dhabi Airways, resigning from his previous position at Maldivian.

Despite the geographical shift, Ranesh expressed satisfaction with his service as VAM president, particularly highlighting the success of the 2022 volleyball season. He mentioned, "It was the year in history when volleyball was lifted high," citing investments in top clubs, foreign players, and the initiation of the volleyball draft season.

In 2022, Ranesh appointed two experienced foreign coaches for beach and indoor volleyball for the national team, stating, "The work of these coaches was visible in a year," referring to the national team's gold medal win in the Central Zone Beach Volleyball Tournament and their historic participation in the Commonwealth Games through beach volleyball.

Reflecting on his two-year tenure that began in April 2021, Ranesh acknowledged the successful international tournaments for both men's and women's teams and beach volleyball in 2023. He noted, "Let's not forget that the country won a silver medal in its own backyard by competing with ASEAN countries."

Addressing a delayed task from his term, Ranesh spoke about amending the basic rules of VAM, saying, "But now that the basic rules have been amended and registered with the Sports Commissioner's office after a major issue, I am satisfied that the work has also been completed." The updated rules now allow even volley academies to participate in the decisions of VAM's Congress, providing a platform for diverse voices.

Summing up his term, Ranesh expressed contentment that the necessary changes were implemented, and the groundwork laid during his tenure will continue to benefit the volleyball community.

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