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Indian Coast Guard allegedly boards Maldives fishing vessel once again

The Indian Coast Guard personnel boarded the "Maahoara 3" on Thursday night, one of three vessels they had boarded the previous afternoon.

Malika Shahid
03 February 2024, MVT 11:33
Fishing vessels
Malika Shahid
03 February 2024, MVT 11:33

Allegations of the Indian Coast Guard boarding a Maldivian fishing vessel and intimidating the crew onboard have once again come to light.

The Yellowfin Tuna Fishermen's Union, "Bodu Kanneli Masveringe Union- BKMU," said in a post on X today that on Thursday night, around 00:00 am, troops from an Indian ship boarded a Maldivian fishing vessel, "Maahoara 3," approximately three miles away from Molhadhoo buoy. The Coast Guard inspected the vessel, and are alleged to have then attempted to intimidate the crew.

The incident has been reported to the Maldives Coast Guard. However, the Maldives National Defense Force (MNDF) media official stated that details would be shared after clarifying the information.

The union has called on all parties to ensure the safety of fishers in Maldivian waters.

The Indian Coast Guard personnel boarded the "Maahoara 3" on Thursday night, one of three vessels they had boarded the previous afternoon.

Authorities are also investigating a case where the Indian Coast Guard boarded Maldivian vessels that were fishing in the Maldives' Exclusive Economic Zone on Wednesday afternoon. The vessels involved are from Alifu Dhaalu atoll Mahibadhoo; "Asurumaa 3," "Maahoara 3," and "Niru 7."

In a press release by the Ministry of Defense last night, they said that the foreign troops who boarded the local vessels within the Maldivian Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) have been identified as members of the Boarding Teams of Indian Coastguard Ship 246 and Indian Coastguard Ship 253. The Maldives government said that the Indian Navy's actions are in violation of international maritime laws.

The Ministry stated that on February 1, 2024, the government officially requested the Government of India to provide details justifying the actions of Indian military personnel in boarding and conducting an operation on Maldivian vessels within the country's Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). The request emphasized the lack of coordination with Maldivian authorities and highlighted the apparent violation of the Law of the Sea Convention during the incident involving fishing vessels in the Maldivian EEZ.

However, as of now, it remains unclear whether the Indian government has responded to this request.