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MP Jabir's disciplinary case; MVR 5,100 as mic repair cost

Mohamed Rehan
05 December 2023, MVT 14:03
Kaashidhoo MP Abdulla Jabir protests inside the parliament chamber during Monday's sitting--
Mohamed Rehan
05 December 2023, MVT 14:03

The Disciplinary and Parliament Privileges Committee has initiated an investigation into the disciplinary case of Kaashidhoo MP Abdulla Jabir. This comes after he damaged a microphone in the parliament chamber during Monday's sitting on December 4.

Following his attendance at the chambers for Monday's morning sitting, Jabir began shouting in protest over the results that elected the new Deputy Speaker.

Parliament Speaker Mohamed Aslam, at the commencement of Tuesday's sitting on December 5, pointed out that the microphone was significantly damaged and required MVR 5,100 in repair costs.

The case of the MP was submitted by Speaker Aslam in his discretion, as the Speaker, due to potential infringement on the privileges and disciplinary conduct of a sitting member of the parliament.

After MP Jabir initiated commotion inside the chambers, he was advised twice. The MP directed his anger at both the Speaker and the newly appointed Deputy Speaker and was advised a third time before his name was called out, along with a request to leave the chambers immediately.