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State declares February 6 as public holiday

Anaan Bushry
30 January 2023, MVT 15:29
President Solih speaking with local media at Wednesday's press briefing-- Photo: President's Office
Anaan Bushry
30 January 2023, MVT 15:29

February 6, 2023 will be a public holiday, according to President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih.

The President’s Office said the President made the decision because it was the day of the presidential address.

On January 21, 2019, the President's Office declared the day of the presidential address as a public holiday. Since then, the government has been declaring it a public holiday every year.

Although, during former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom's 30-year rule, the day of the presidential address was declared a public holiday, the government was not closed on the day of the first session of parliament under former president Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom.

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