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Vaadhoo Council operations stall amid escalating personal conflicts

Malika Shahid
10 January 2024, MVT 17:25
Aerial photo of Gaafu Dhaalu atoll Vaadhoo: administrative work of the Council has come to a standstill due to disputes among the employees of The Vaadhoo Council
Malika Shahid
10 January 2024, MVT 17:25

The administrative work of Gaafu Dhaalu atoll Vaadhoo Council has come to a halt due to personal conflicts between councilors and other employees.

Local Government Authority (LGA) board held discussions to address the issue and decided to conduct an inquiry into the Vaadhoo Council.

A statement released by LGA said that despite several administrative efforts to resolve the issues within the Vaadhoo Council, the matter remains unresolved.

According to the statement, numerous ethical and disciplinary issues within the Vaadhoo Council have disrupted the working environment and halted services to the general public.

An LGA team also visited the island last week and conducted an inquiry into the matter.

It has been revealed that there have been several instances where the council staff mistreated each other, using obscene language and personal conflicts. Issues have escalated to the point where resolution through dialogue has become difficult.

There are five members on the Vaadhoo Council. All but one of them are Independent members, while one member represents The Democrats.

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