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The first local council company established in Thoddoo

Malika Shahid
22 December 2022, MVT 21:57
The registration of the company was handed over at a ceremony held at Ministry of Economic Affairs -- Photo: Ministry of Economic Affairs
Malika Shahid
22 December 2022, MVT 21:57

The Local Authority Company of Alifu Alifu atoll, Thoddoo, has become the first company to be registered with an Island Council under the amended Decentralisation Act.

The Decentralisation Act, which came into force last year, states that councils can register companies with the Ministry of Economic Affairs to provide services on a commercial basis.

Economic Minister Fayyaz Ismail handed over the company's registry to the council at a ceremony held at the ministry.

Thoddoo Council President Ahmed Karam said the company will provide some of the services provided by the council, on a commercial basis.

However, he assured that the company will not interfere in regular businesses conducted in the island.

"A lot of administrative services are used by the public as well as tourists visiting the island. So, a part of our company will provide these services on a corporate basis," he said.

Services to be provided by the company

- Port maintenance and other port services

- Waste management services

- Road maintenance services

- Plant nursery services

- Provision of agricultural equipment

- Maintain tourist beaches and parks

- Establish a fiber network

- Establishment of a Marketing and Public Relations Department to promote Thoddoo tourism

- Construction of a convention center

According to Karam, the board members were appointed by an open public announcement.

Many councils have applied to the Ministry of Economic Affairs to set up a local authority company. Last year, the ministry issued a guideline for councils to register companies.