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Fenaka signs ‘Zero Tolerance to Corruption’ movement

01 July 2019, MVT 21:35
Employees of Fenaka Corporation signing the government's 'Zero Tolerance to Corruption' movement. PHOTO: HUSSAIN WAHEED/ MIHAARU
01 July 2019, MVT 21:35

All members of the state utilities firm, Fenaka Corporation, on Monday signed the government’s ‘Zero Tolerance to Corruption’ movement.

Over 2,800 staff signed the agreement at the same time, including those working in 153 different islands.

Managing Director Ahmed Saeed Mohamed stated that he would not let the corporation take part in any corrupt practices for as long as he held his position.

He felt that the contract should be abided by diligently, declaring that it should not just be for show.

“I guarantee that we will only be moving forward from today onwards”.

According to Saeed, all Fenaka services will be provided to the public as efficiently as possible.

Fenaka came under fire earlier when it was revealed to have taken part in several corrupt practices under the former government. Some of the issues are still being investigated.

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