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Villa College presents Student Achievement Awards

Villa College has presented Student Achievement Awards to graduates who performed exceptionally well.

Mariyath Mohamed
30 September 2024, MVT 16:28
Mariyath Mohamed
30 September 2024, MVT 16:28

Villa College has presented Student Achievement Awards to graduates who performed exceptionally well.

In a ceremony held at Dharubaaruge last night, 110 graduates were presented Villa College's Book Prize and Dean's Award. 12 graduates were awarded ACCA National Resident prize and 51 graduates were awarded Industry Prize. In addition to this, the highest honour awarded by the college, the Gasim Ibrahim Award for Excellence was presented to 23 graduates.

Vice Rector of Villa College Dr Ali Najeeb said in his speech at the ceremony that the recipients of the awards include many who completed programs run by Villa College in affiliation with University of West England.

He asserted that all graduates from Villa College are ready to excel in the professional arena.

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