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Newly assigned land plots can be developed up to 10 stories

23 September 2023, MVT 22:58
Gedhoruveriya drawing
23 September 2023, MVT 22:58

Urbanco has announced that beneficiaries can begin construction on the land plots allocated to them under the "Binveriya" scheme, as the government has released the relevant guidelines.

According to Urbanco, a lot of the beneficiaries who received land under the scheme had been sending requests to start building on their respective plots. The company said the guidelines for building on the land given as part of the landownership scheme was published on Thursday, September 21, in order to facilitate these requests.

According to the guideline, landowners are permitted to construct buildings with a maximum of six floors. However, Urbanco has announced that its board has decided to permit the construction of buildings with up to 10 floors on the allocated land.

Urbanco said that the regulation regarding this matter have been sent to the relevant ministries, and people can start building up to 10 floors as soon as the regulation is published in the government gazette.

According to the current guideline, the basement, ground floor, and first floor of these buildings can be used for non-residential purposes. However there are certain activities that are not allowed in these buildings.

These activities include:

- Industrial activity

- Storage of flammable material

- Any activity that would disturb the public and are extremely loud or results in bad odors

- Activity that might produce particles and dirt or garbage

- Storage or warehouse facilities

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