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Want to proceed work at speed without facing obstruction from Majlis: President

President Dr Mohamed Muizzu has stated today that he wishes to take forward the planned development projects at speed and appealed to the public to not allow the upcoming parliament to pose delays and obstruction to such work.

Mariyath Mohamed
11 April 2024, MVT 13:53
President arrives at Laamu atoll Maavah.-- Photo: President's Office
Mariyath Mohamed
11 April 2024, MVT 13:53

President Dr Mohamed Muizzu has stated today that he wishes to take forward the planned development projects at speed and appealed to the public to not allow the upcoming parliament to pose delays and obstruction to such work.

The President has today resumed his trips to the islands after taking a break for Ramadan. His first stop today is in Laamu atoll Maavah.

Speaking in Maavah, President Dr Muizzu stated that his aim is to proceed with the development projects as swiftly as possible, but noted that regardless of his own intentions, the implementation of this would not be possible unless he receives cooperation from the parliament.

He reiterated that work on projects in the first four months of this government had been hindered due to the lack of support from the opposition led parliament.

He emphasized how actions such as this from the parliament obstructed the government from conducting its work to its utmost capabilities.

The President spoke about how the parliament had refused to include in the budget sufficient fund allocations for the carrying out of planned projects, noting that this posed difficulties for the government in proceeding projects at the desired speed.

"If the parliament is halted everyday, then the projects cannot be proceeded at a fast pace," the President said.

As an example, the President spoke about the parliament delaying approval for the Ambassadors he had nominated for various countries.

He said that the delay in posting Ambassadors at various countries was due alone to the fact that Parliament is delaying the holding of a committee meeting. These are the same concerns he raised earlier with the parliament similarly delaying approval for cabinet ministers.

"To not allow such delays in matters pertinent to citizens, because I want to complete work I have been tasked with by the people, as I want to complete this and present result, this is why I am making this request," the President said.

The President further informed Maavah residents that although many projects had come to a halt at the time he had assumed presidency, those projects were being categorized and resumed now.

He assured that the projects wanted by the people of Maavah will also be completed, prioritizing them as per the people's wishes. The first issues to be addressed as such include housing, for which it has now been decided that 30 hectares, instead of the earlier planned 15 hectares, would be reclaimed.

He also announced that the government has decided to conduct a resort development project in the Maavah lagoons. This project, he noted, would open up opportunities for the island's youth to be employed in good jobs while living near home.

Tomorrow, the President is expected to travel to Addu.