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Society can be changed through changing yourself first: Judge Mahaz

Supreme Court Judge Mahaz Ali Zahir has stated that although the number of educated persons, and those keen on education has increased in Maldives, the current trends show a decline in discipline and conduct.

Mariyath Mohamed
08 June 2024, MVT 14:24
Mariyath Mohamed
08 June 2024, MVT 14:24

Supreme Court Judge Mahaz Ali Zahir has stated that although the number of educated persons, and those keen on education has increased in Maldives, the current trends show a decline in discipline and conduct.

Speaking at the graduation ceremony at the Maldives National University last night, Judge Mahaz said that in 2019, 11254 people graduated in the Maldives, while 7235 persons graduated in 2020. The number rose to 12,837 in 2021, with it staying at 6000 in 2022.

While 26,000 students had enrolled in universities in 2019, the number had risen to 29,000 by 2022.

Mahaz said that these numbers signify the high interest in education amongst Maldivians, and the keenness to learn. However, he added, while this remains so, the question arises why the disciplinary fabric of the society is not more solid.

"How many apps do we have on our phones that fit into the educational category? If we open an app on our phone, we pick raw mangoes in the morning, young papayas in the afternoon, and in the evening we sit back to see how many likes these actions received, how many shares we got," Mahaz said.

As a further example, Mahaz said that if mosques did not have doors, we would see people parking motorcycles inside the mosque itself, between the mihrab and the minbar. He went that if possible, those going to shops will also park the vehicles between the cashier and the counter.

Mahaz said that hearing of stabbings, regardless of whether the victim is Maldivian or not, as a human, he is affected. However, he said, people do not consider the pain it may cause others when they utter whatever comes to mind.

"But do we bear this in mind while we are constantly defaming another person night and day? Do we empathize with the pain they must be feeling in their hearts? Do we consider how long they will bear the scars of these attacks?"

Saying all this, the Judge asserted that although the graph is trending upwards when it comes to education, the disciplinary level of Maldivians is on a downward trend.

Mahaz told his audience that the people have expectations from those who graduate. He called on the graduates to maintain standards, and to be well disciplined individuals.

"If you get a right, remember that it comes with a responsibility. Before you say something, consider who you are saying it to, at what time, for what reason, how it will affect the person, what loss the words will cause you, and think about whether we can just avoid saying it at all."

Mahaz asserted that society can only be changed through changes you bring to your own behaviour.

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