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Govt to contract the development of seven hospitals this week

Mohamed Rehan
07 March 2023, MVT 10:20
A digital rendering of the hospital facility to be developed in Shaviyani atoll Milandhoo--
Mohamed Rehan
07 March 2023, MVT 10:20

The Maldives government is set to sign contracts with developers to build hospitals in seven islands, the Minister of Finance, Ibrahim Ameer, has announced.

The government plans to construct 30-bed hospital facilities in Haa Dhaalu atoll Hanimaadhoo, Shaviyani atoll Milandhoo, Noonu atoll Velidhoo, Kaafu atoll Thulusdhoo, Alifu Dhaalu atoll Maamigili, Vaavu atoll Felidhoo, and Thaa atoll Vilufushi.

During Tuesday's parliament session, Milandhoo MP Ali Riza asked the minister about the delays in contracting developers for the hospitals and about the contract signing date. The MP's questions were part of an inquiry into the ventilator scandal during the Covid-19 pandemic.

In response to the MP, the minister said that the bidding process for seven hospitals financed by the Kuwait Fund is currently underway and that the evaluations have already been completed. He said that the government will be awarding the contracts this week.

The Maldives government announced in April 2022 that it was seeking contractors to develop 30-bed hospital facilities in seven islands.