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One arrested in Funadhoo on charges of sorcery

An individual has been arrested from Shaviyani Funadhoo on suspicions of engaging in acts of sorcery.

Mariyath Mohamed
03 May 2024, MVT 13:48
People out protesting today in Shaviyani atoll Funadhoo.
Mariyath Mohamed
03 May 2024, MVT 13:48

An individual has been arrested from Shaviyani Funadhoo on suspicions of engaging in acts of sorcery.

Police said that the arrested individual is a 60 year old Maldivian man.

A person from the island told Mihaaru that the sorcery in question had been in relation to the People's National Congress (PNC) Candidate Mohamed Mamdhooh (Mandey) who won the recent parliamentary elections in that constituency.

A tree where sorcery is believed to have been committed at.

"The sorcerer is arrogantly claiming that he will continue to do as he pleases, that there is nothing anyone can do against it," the person said.

The arrested man has been taken to Fonadhoo Magistrate Court this morning for his remand hearing. Residents of the island gathered outside the court to demonstrate against him.

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