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Aasandha reform will reduce out-of-pocket expenses for treatment: Miuvaan

Malika Shahid
14 January 2023, MVT 13:20
ADK Hospital: Complaints of high out-of-pocket expenses for treatment will be resolved with Aasandha scheme reformation -- Photo: Nishan Ali
Malika Shahid
14 January 2023, MVT 13:20

The President's Spokesperson Miuvaan Mohamed has said that the reform of Aasandha Company Limited, the institute providing the national health insurance scheme, will reduce the out-of-pocket expenses for services and treatment at private hospitals.

Replying to a question from Mihaaru at a press conference held at the President's Office, Miuvaan said major changes are being made in the health sector. He said that the reforms in the health insurance scheme will solve the rising cost of services at private clinics and hospitals.

He noted that the changes in the health sector will benefit the people.

There are many complaints about the high prices charged by private health care facilities. In addition to Aasandha Company, all private health care facilities spend a lot of money on co-payments. Many people are concerned that there is no way to regulate the prices.

A senior official of Aasandha Company told Mihaaru earlier that the company is concerned about private health care centres charging a large co-payment from insurance companies.

Aasandha spends approximately MVR two to three billion annually on all health care treatment, most of it directed to private health care facilities. In April 2021 alone, Aasandha spent MVR 165,850,124 on treatments, 60 percent of it spent on clinics and hospitals in Maldives and and abroad.

In addition to the state expenditure on healthcare, the official estimates that the country spends a total of MVR six to seven billion on treatment alone inclusive of co-payment, which is a huge amount compared to a population of around 500,000 people.