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Dhiraagu onboard as digital partner of Labera Bodyboarding Challenge

Dhiraagu, in line with the company's commitment to promote local athletes, has signed as the digital partner of Labera Bodyboarding Challenge 2024.

Ameera Osmanagic
30 September 2024, MVT 18:30
Dhiraagu has signed on as Labera Bodyboarding Challenge's digital partner -- Photo: Dhiraagu
Ameera Osmanagic
30 September 2024, MVT 18:30

Local telecom company Dhiraagu has signed as the digital partner of Labera Bodyboarding Challenge 2024.

This is the third edition of this tournament since a five year hiatus. This is also the second national competition being organised by Maldives Bodyboarding Association (MBBA) this year. The first competition was Burunu Shikaara Bodyboarding Challenge 2024.

Dhiraagu's Manager of Brand and Events, Naya Shareef said supporting the Bodyboarding Association and the Labera Bodyboarding Challenge opens a door for athletes to showcase their skills. She also highlighted the company's commitment towards promoting local athletes.

MBBA's President Hussain Nizam thanked Dhiraagu's effort to support local athletes.

The Labera Bodyboarding Challenge started today, and will continue until 5th October at the Malé Raalhugandu area.