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Maldives launches energy policy and strategy for the next five years

Maldives launched its Energy Policy and Strategy for the next five years today, aiming to become less dependent on fuel.

Ameera Osmanagic
19 September 2024, MVT 17:45
Launching ceremony of the Energy Policy and Strategy 2024-2029 -- Photo: Environment Ministry
Ameera Osmanagic
19 September 2024, MVT 17:45

The government of Maldives today launched its energy policy and strategy for the next five years.

The 'Energy Policy and Strategy 2024-2029' was launched at a special ceremony held at the Ministry of Environment this afternoon.

The policy was launched by Environment Minister Thoriq Ibrahim, with several ministers and utility company officials in attendance.

According to the ministry, the main objective of the energy policy and strategy is to achieve the goals of the COP Summit held last year as promised by President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu, which include Maldives reducing its dependence of imported fuel and to increase its energy production using available renewable energy sources.

The government plans to implement a total of five policies to reach that goal:

• Explore and experiment ways to generate energy from sun's heat and light technology, wind, sea currents, waves and currents.

• Introduce new technology in the energy sector and build human resources.

• Introduce and familiarize the public with additional measures to reduce energy costs and waste.

• Introduction of renewable energy into road and sea transport.

• Strengthening the enforcement agencies and laws and regulations required to promote the energy sector.

Maldives has a law concerning the production and use of energy in effect since 2021 titled the 'Maldives Energy Act (Law No. 18/2021)'.

It is a pledge of President Muizzu to make 33 percent of Maldives' energy production renewable by 2028, aiming to reduce the country's reliance on fuel.