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Day care spaces to be opened in government offices

Lamya Abdulla
27 October 2022, MVT 13:22
(FILE) Gender Minister Aishath Mohamed Didi addressing the parliament on International Women's Day on March 8, 2022: she had said the ministry had discussed with the President's Office regarding creating child care spaces in offices -- Photo: Parliament
Lamya Abdulla
27 October 2022, MVT 13:22

Gender Minister Aishath Mohamed Didi said on Tuesday that the government has initiated the process of setting up "child care spaces" in government offices to help solve issues working parents face in looking after their children.

To solve one of the biggest issues women face government is planning to open affordable day care centers in Male'.

In a written reply provided to MP Jeehan Mahmood, who had enquired how the progress of opening the day care centers are going, minister said they had failed in obtaining space in Male' to open a day care center.

With the help of Asian Development Bank (ADB), Gender Ministry had attempted to find a suitable space through the Strengthening Gender Inclusive Initiative (SGII). They have since eliminated the project from the initiative since they could not find a location.

"To provide an ease to working parents we have researched other models and have had discussions with the President's Office since August of this year about establishing child care spaces in the workplace," minister had said.

She added that they submitted this to the social council and have informed them to implement this. She said it was being discussed with state-run companies as well.

Both STELCO and MPL had given the ministry their assurance that they will implement this.