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Maafushi students to receive scholarships to study at Villa College

Kaafu Atoll Maafushi Council and Villa College have signed an agreement under which students from Maafushi island will receive scholarships to pursue higher education at the college.

Mariyath Mohamed
18 March 2024, MVT 16:46
Mariyath Mohamed
18 March 2024, MVT 16:46

Kaafu Atoll Maafushi Council and Villa College have signed an agreement under which students from Maafushi island will receive scholarships to pursue higher education at the college.

Maafushi Council states that it has entered this agreement with the intention of strengthening educational standards within the island, and to raise an educated generation of youth.

Under this agreement, the council has launched its dedicated scholarship scheme, and Villa College has agreed to provide the technical advise and expertise needed for its implementation.

Villa College said that with this agreement, preparations will be undertaken to commence conducting Villa College courses on Maafushi Island itself. They further revealed that the agreement also includes the college's provision of assistance to increase technical capacity of council staff in areas determined by the council.

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