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Judiciary Committee holds closed session on Tax Appeal Tribunal

The Parliament's Judiciary Committee has also held its meeting on the issues submitted regarding the Tax Appeal Tribunal as a closed session.

Mariyath Mohamed
01 July 2024, MVT 14:12
Chair of the Judiciary Committee MP Husnee Mubarak.
Mariyath Mohamed
01 July 2024, MVT 14:12

The Parliament's Judiciary Committee has also held its meeting on the issues submitted regarding the Tax Appeal Tribunal as a closed session.

The Committee is deliberating on a letter sent by a member of the public regarding the Tax Appeal Tribunal. Today's session was held to meet with the person who had submitted the complaint.

Once the meeting started, Holhudhoo constituency MP from ruling People's National Congress (PNC) Abdul Sattar Mohamed proposed that the meeting be held closed. The committee approved to do so.

Today's meeting of the Parliament's Committee on National Security Services was also held closed. Minister of Homeland Security and Technology Ali Ihusan and senior officials of Maldives Police Service were in attendance at this meeting.

Last week, a meeting of the Public Accounts Committee was also held closed. At this meeting, information was provided by Minister of Finance Dr Mohamed Shafeeq about the financial and economic situation of the country. He was unable to attend in person due to health reasons, and hence submitted related documentation instead.

Although the Minister had requested that the meeting be held closed, he later initiated a seconding meeting where all the information was publicly shared.