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Police extend remand for Guraidhoo expat-murder suspect

Ahmed Aiham
09 July 2020, MVT 20:15
Murdered Shah Salam (L) and suspected assailant (R). PHOTO: VARIOUS
Ahmed Aiham
09 July 2020, MVT 20:15

Maldives Police Service, on Thursday, revealed that the remand of a 22-year-old expatriate worker, in connection with the murder of Bangladeshi national Shah Salam, which took place in Thaa Atoll's Guraidhoo, was extended for a third time.

According to a police spokesperson, the suspect's remand was extended by an additional 15 days on Monday, after being arrested on May 21, following the murder which was reported at roughly 0100 hrs the same day.

As confirmed by authorities, the suspect was arrested with multiple physical injuries following a search operation conducted by police, which was found to have occurred as a result of a physical altercation between the two.

Shah was formerly employed as an agricultural worker on the island. His body was discovered adjacent to the labour quarters he resided in, with multiple stab wounds.

Although a large number of expatriates currently work on the island, Shah and his suspected assailant did not previously work together.

The fatal stabbing initially came to light after the assailant, with visible injuries, had knocked on a separate labour quarter after the incident.

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