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Emergency motion on Fenaka Corporation submitted to parliament

An emergency motion has been submitted to the parliament today regarding problems within Fenaka's management which has hindered the company's services. MP Didi who submitted the motion had called to bring the matter to the State's immediate attention.

Aishath Shuba Solih
26 June 2024, MVT 18:02
MP Ibrahim Didi of Feydhoo Constituency.
Aishath Shuba Solih
26 June 2024, MVT 18:02

An emergency motion has been submitted to the parliament today on problems within Fenaka Corporation Limited's management which has resulted in impeded provision of services mandated of the company, calling to bring the matter to the government's immediate attention.

While the emergency motion has been accepted for debate, no other motions had then been scheduled for debate on today's agenda. The parliament had therefore passed to proceed debates on the motion until all members conclude their say.

Submitting the motion, MP Ibrahim Didi of Feydhoo Constituency stated that civilians have been faced with irreplaceable damage due to hindered services of Fenaka Corporation, who provides water, sewerage and electricity services in many islands. He attributed the faltering service of the company to the damages suffered at the hands of negligent officials appointed to managerial posts during former administrations.

Didi asserted that the company, under the management of Managing Director, Ahmed Saeed Mohamed had expended MVR 100 million on transport alone during the five years of former President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih's administration. He added that a further sum of MVR 100 million was spent to service generators and on the pretext of proceeding 60 projects, totaling MVR 200 million.

"There is no trace of what happened to the money. No projects were completed," he said.

Didi continued on to recall that Fenaka has remained in debt to State Trading Organization (STO) without a single payment of the MVR 2 billion debt settled since 2019. He stated that the dues are now being addressed since the current administration assumed office, citing this as the reason for difficulties posed in settling other dues.

He further added that the motion was submitted to bring the matter to the government's attention and identify actions the government intends to employ as the issue directly involves the interests of citizens and the nation itself.