The government of Japan, on Wednesday, provided grant assistance to upgrade Foakaidhoo School in Shaviyani Atoll, under its Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Project (GGP) scheme.
The grant contract was signed between Japanese Ambassador Keiko Yanai and Principal of Foakaidhoo School, Mohamed Matheen.
The grant, equivalent to USD 82,522 (MVR 1,237,830), is intended to provide a quality education for students of Foakaidhoo School. The grant assistance will contribute towards the construction of the school building with two classrooms.
Furthermore, the school facility is to be used as an emergency evacuation centre in the event of a natural disaster.
The project will be implemented by Foakaidhoo School, with support from the Ministry of Education.
The GCP is part of the Japanese Official Development Assistance (ODA) implemented by the Embassy of Japan in Maldives.
Since 1996, the Japanese GCP scheme has extended support in several areas such as education, environment, health, transportation, and energy in Maldives.
Till date, the Japanese government under its GCP scheme has funded 20 projects exceeding USD 2.1 million (approximately MVR 32.4 million).
The Government of Japan provides a grant for “The Project for Upgrading of Foakaidhoo School in Foakaidhoo Island, Shaviyani Atoll” under the Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects (GCP). PHOTO: EMBASSY OF JAPAN