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Foreign Minister meets Casablanca region's Council President

Ahmed Aiham
18 November 2019, MVT 12:10
Miniter of Foreign Affairs Abdulla Shahid and Casablanca region Council President Mustapha Bakkoury. PHOTO: MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS
Ahmed Aiham
18 November 2019, MVT 12:10

Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdulla Shahid met Chairman of the Moroccan Solar Energy Agency (MASEN) and Council President of the Casablanca-Settat region, Mustapha Bakkoury, on Sunday.

During the meeting held at the Casablanca Council Office, both parties noted the importance of mutual collaboration in addressing challenges regarding sustainable utilization of natural resources, adaptation to climate change, further discussing avenues to facilitate the exchange of technical expertise within the renewable energy sector.

Moreover, the minister commended Morocco for its active engagement in the wake of the climate crisis and noted initiatives by the King of Morocco, Mohammed VI, to bolster the country as a renewable energy leader and hub in Africa. The country aims to generate 52 percent of its electricity through solar power by 2030.

Minister Shahid was accompanied by Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Ahmed Khaleel, Ambassador of Maldives to UAE Dr Hussain Niyaaz, Additional Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ahmed Shiaan and Assistant Director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Moomina Ibrahim.