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Thoha to be appointed as Maldives Ambassador to Pakistan

Parliament has today decided to appoint Thoha Mohamed of Ufanveli, Noonu atoll Holhudhoo as Maldives Ambassador to Pakistan.

Mariyath Mohamed
30 June 2024, MVT 14:46
Mariyath Mohamed
30 June 2024, MVT 14:46

Parliament has today decided to appoint Thoha Mohamed of Ufanveli, Noonu atoll Holhudhoo as Maldives Ambassador to Pakistan.

Thoha was earlier granted approval for the post of Maldives Ambassador to Saudi Arabia before parliament decided to transfer him to Pakistan today.

In today's parliamentary vote, Thoha received 82 votes in favour.

Although Thoha was granted approval for the Ambassador to Saudi Arabia earlier, he was not presented with his letter of approval when others approved alongside him received theirs.

Neither the government nor the parliament have provided reasons for his transfer from Saudi Arabia to Pakistan.

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