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Male' City Council's Secretary General dismissed

Male' City Council's Secretary General Wajeeh Naseer has been dismissed from his position yesterday.

Mariyath Mohamed
16 August 2024, MVT 14:52
Mariyath Mohamed
16 August 2024, MVT 14:52

Male' City Council's Secretary General Wajeeh Naseer has been dismissed from his position yesterday.

The dismissal of the SG was proposed by Deputy Mayor Ahmed Nareesh in yesterday's council meeting.

Mayor Adam Azim announced that the dismissal of the SG had been proposed citing that he was not fulfilling the legal responsibilities of the role. He said that although Naseer is competent, he is slow in his work.

"As I see it, the SG is slow with his work. But that is not the fault of the SG alone. There are also issues with the civil system here," the Mayor said.

Azim said that the issue had been brought up over a month ago, with the SG seen to have taken some measures to speed up work after the concerns were raised.

Nareesh retorted that it takes over two months to respond to letters sent to the council by members of the public, insisting that this is not how things should be done.

North Galolhu council member Mohamed Saaif Fathih asserted that the SG must be given the opportunity to be answerable in the face of the dismissal motion.

"There are some opportunities that must be given to a person regardless of whatever reservations we may have against them. This is why I am saying that he be given the opportunity to present a response in writing," Saif said.

The council voted to dismiss SG Naseer.

Two members abstained from voting. They are Democrats' member Saif and South Mahchangolhi member, PPM's Aishath Nazima.

Although Mayor Adam Azim is from opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP), the majority of the council is held by People's National Congress (PNC) and Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM).

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