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Family of Rasheed allowed to pay respects, body taken to India for post-mortem

Mohamed Rehan
01 November 2022, MVT 10:56
Members of Rasheed's family, relatives and friends visit Galolhu Mortuary to pay their respects to the deceased--
Mohamed Rehan
01 November 2022, MVT 10:56

The family of Abdulla Rasheed, who died under police custody, were granted to pay their respects before transporting the body abroad for post-mortem.

Rasheed died following health complications while under police custody. He was arrested as a suspect tied to a drug related case from Gaafu Dhaalu Atoll Hoandedhdhoo, on Tuesday, October 25.

Authorities report the deceased’s body will be flown abroad sometime during early hours of Monday, October 31.

The family and relatives were provided with a constrained window to pay their respects to the deceased. Several of his family, relatives and friends gathered to Galolhu mortuary before Rasheed was flown for post-mortem.

State moved ahead with the post-mortem despite the family’s objection. Rasheed’ family had formally lodged a complaint at Civil Court to intercede autopsy, which was rejected by the court noting that it was necessary to ascertain if Rasheed died owing to the negligence of any person or persons in authority, while he was under their custody. Furthermore, if a suspect under police custody died under suspicious conditions, or if the circumstances were beyond ordinary, then police have a right to conduct autopsy to identify cause of death, adding that the authority was not required to acquire a court order for autopsy proceedings in such circumstances.

Civil Court’s judgement on the case said in accordance with the Regulations on Post-Mortem Procedure formed under Criminal Procedure Act, grants Police the right to conduct autopsy in any situation where a death occurred as a cause of negligence or misconduct. The Civil Court judgement further identified that in accordance to the Maldives Police Service Act, the authority is not required to seek a court order prior to conducting an autopsy.

The court’s judgement further notes that though post-mortem is not an accepted diagnostic procedure according general principles of Islam, in situations where autopsy is the only available option to ascertain cause of death, the scholars’ consensus favors conducting post-mortem.

Rasheed’s death certificate reflects cause of death as ‘Sudden Cardiac Arrest’, while his family’s legal counsel argued, at Civil Court, that Police failed to rationalize the necessity for a post-mortem.

Attorney General’s Office has advocated in favor of conducting post-mortem to confirm cause of death, and take necessary actions following the findings to ensure preservation of the police authority’s integrity.

Rasheed’s family had protested against his autopsy, with members of his family speaking against the authority’s decision to local medias last Thursday, October 27. His family is refusing to accept the body back if authorities conducted autopsy.

The case has attracted public attention, and their criticism. Police is alleged with gross negligence and misconduct for their alleged rejection of Rasheed’s multiple complains of chest pain. Police had reportedly refused medical attention for him claiming he was “feigning illness.”

He was transported toGaafu Dhaalu Atoll Madaveli council following further complications addressed by Rasheed. According to the island council, corroborating its health center, Rasheed had passed away before he was admitted at the facility.

His family notes Rasheed had complained amid transport to Madaveli over his worsening condition. The family alleges authority was negligent in providing medical attention to him.

Meanwhile, National Integrity Commission (NIC) has asserted importance for autopsy to confirm cause of death and ascertain if Police is liable for Rasheed’s demise. The commission has initiated investigation to confirm for possible police negligence in the case.

The investigation is carried jointly with Maldives Police Service, with NIC acting as lead. According to the Commission, local law enforcement authority will be acting at a supporting level to provide information required by the commission as well as assist them.

Commissioner of Police Mohamed Hameed has claimed Rasheed was arrested for suspected drug trafficking activities.

Rasheed's body was transported to India for post-mortem in the early hours of Monday, October 31.

The news was confirmed by NIC's legal councilor, speaking with "Mihaaru News". However, they had not disclosed when the body will be transported back home post autopsy.

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