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Prosecutor General Shameem resigns from post

Just before the session was set to begin, Shameem stepped down from his post. Photos of staff from the Prosecutor General's Office bidding him farewell with a red carpet have been shared on social media.

Malika Shahid
22 August 2024, MVT 21:39
PG Hussain Shameem -- Photo: Nishan Ali
Malika Shahid
22 August 2024, MVT 21:39

Hussain Shameem has resigned from his position as Prosecutor General.

His resignation comes as Parliament had scheduled a sitting for tonight at 21:00 hrs to vote on his dismissal.

Just before the session was set to begin, Shameem stepped down from his post. Photos of staff from the Prosecutor General's Office bidding him farewell with a red carpet have been shared on social media.

The dismissal of PG Shameem was proposed by ruling People's National Congress (PNC) MP for Hulhudhoo constituency, Mohamed Shahid.

Shameem was summoned to today's meeting of the committee where he was given the opportunity to be answerable to the allegations raised against him. The committee meeting, however, was held closed.

Shameem had denied all allegations raised against him, saying that they hold no water and has already been addressed previously. He said that he would have handed in resignation even if it had simply been requested of him, rather than parliament raising what he said are baseless allegations.

He said that the parliament would not have had to waste its time if they had previously read the reports, writings and essays published by the PG Office.

"I don't believe these allegations were raised in good faith. If, instead of raising baseless allegations, they had simply asked me to resign, I am ready to do that," Shameem asserted.

Shameem said that when the government had changed, he had met with some ministers are asked if there were any complaints against his work. He said that seven ministers and other officials of that level that he had met with had advised him to remain in his position.

He further said that no such concerns had been raised even in the latest parliament committee meeting.

Allegations against Shameem

- Filing of sexual harassment charges against former Minister of Tourism Ali Waheed

- Filing of charges against former Youth Minister Ahmed Mahloof, allowing him to remain in his position

- Withdrawal of human trafficking charges against former MP for Nilandhoo constituency Ali Riza

- Decision to not press charges regarding the issues in ventilator procurement

- Failing to appeal in the 'Safari rape' case as one of the accused had connections to now opposition Maldivian Democratic Party

- Withdrawing 77 cases involving alcohol

- Withdrawing 13 cases regarding homosexuality

- Discriminating and favoritism amongst employees at the PG Office

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