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State issues no-fly order on former MP and expat over same-sex allegation charges

Mohamed Rehan
06 July 2022, MVT 08:57
Former Nolhivaram MP and former DRP leader Mohamed Nasheed (Colonel Nasheed)-- Photo: Mihaaru Archives
Mohamed Rehan
06 July 2022, MVT 08:57

Maldives government has issued a no-fly order on former Nolhivaram MP Mohamed Nasheed and a Bangladeshi national, Alamgir over same-sex allegation charges.

Mihaaru reports that the former MP and the expat were issued no-flying orders after Maldives Police Service commenced investigation to confirm the authenticity of the allegation.

Meanwhile, the expat allegedly involved in the case was previously summoned to Police headquarters for questioning.

Police had also confirmed that a case of nude video leak and subsequent blackmail over same-sex acts were being investigated by the authority since late-March 2022.

During a press conference held on March 27, Police further claimed on identifying the perpetrators behind the blackmail and video leak.

Police reports that the suspects involved in the video leak and blackmail had attempted to ransom a total of MVR10 million for the videos.

However, authorities have not been able to confirm if the suspects had sold the videos.

Recently several nude videos were flagged across several social media platforms.

Among the individuals who were apparently involved in same-sex acts included Parliament Speaker Mohamed Nasheed's relative Nazim Sattar.

A leaked video had shown an individual who appears to be Sattar engaged in same-sex activities with the alleged Bangladeshi national, Alamgir.

In addition to this, another leaked still image showed what appears to be South-Henveiru MP Hussain Shaheem tucked between a yet unidentified male and female; all three lying with bare bodies.

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