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Imams to travel to Brunei for training

Minister of Islamic Affairs will be sending imams to Brunei for training. The training will span over seven days, beginning July 16.

Mariyath Mohamed
02 July 2024, MVT 14:49
dhamu namadhu prayer/ laylatul qadr
Mariyath Mohamed
02 July 2024, MVT 14:49

Minister of Islamic Affairs will be sending imams to Brunei for training.

In a post made on social media X, Minister of Islamic Affairs Dr Mohamed Shaheem Ali Saeed said that under efforts to provide further training from abroad, 20 imams from Maldives will be send to Brunei Darussalam on July 15.

The training will be provided in Brunei's Sultan Sharif Ali Islamic University.

The Islamic Ministry has announced today that imams wishing to participate in this training can now submit forms until Thursday. All existing imams in Maldives at present are eligible for this training.

They should possess fluency in Arabic literacy, and be working in a related field.

The ministry said that the training will span over seven days, from July 16 to July 22.

All expenses besides the tickets and visa will be borne by Brunei, the announcement said.

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